
This Hangover Could Last A While

The Hangover just became The Reality
haha the last couple of days in Austria have been crazy, amazing and fun
Snowboarding has been alright, still not alot of good snow, only high in the mountains, which is slightly annoying, sad, weird, whatever you want to call it.
Yesterday me and Coen went to the craziest steep mountain in the area, without any good snow. It was slightly scary at times, and i've had a few good crashes, good that i bought a helmet on beforehand to protect the head. THANK YOU PRO-TEC !
What more...
Sauna: A-MA-ZING
i love the sauna, its so relaxing, even made me sleep so nicely and the day after i was super relaxed and was ready for some good boarding!
Also, 2 days ago we went to The Tenne (there are two places called this, we went to a big club called that).
We got there with several other Dutch people, and all we could see were 14 year old skanks in glittery dresses that were slightly too short, shaking their not-so-protruding asses to the likes of David Guetta's Sexy Bitch that was pre-announced by the shittiest DJ in the world, shouting the (already few) words of the song through the microphone with an Austrian accent. In other words: it was a rather amusing sight.
That was defenitely one of the highlights of this holiday:P
But on number one of craziest/effed-up nights was defenitely last night.
I will illustrate the scene for you: Went out for dinner with the whole hotel. Crazy as the Germans are, they ordered about 3 rounds of schnaps for everybody, as well as me and Coen both had about 2 beers with dinner. Coen was still suffering from his America-Jetlag, and said that he wanted to go to The Tenne (a little après-ski bar near our hotel) so he could party it up and wouldn't fall asleep.
So after we got back to our hotel, we rushed in to get our coats, gloves and walking shoes, and went to the Tenne. I was kind of dead in there, except for a (what we thought was) a family with what seemed to be a Dad, Mom, and two decently looking daughters. The women turned out to ALL be daughters and the old man was their father. Epic fail in judgement. When it was around 11ish, people started coming in, and the Tenne became quite filled with already merry people. From here i will sum everything up that has been told to me, or the tiny bits that i can recall:
We met 2 Dutch people from The Hague in the sketchiest après-ski bar in the middle of nowhere
These men decided we were cool and kept buying us drinks
Consequently we were all quite hammered around 11 o'clock
The bartender started playing good old après-ski music, including the hits Das Roten Pferd and Lebt Denn Der Alte Holzmichl Noch.
This obviously made the crowd go wild and start dancing their socks off, and because of this more and more beer was bought
Coen was getting quite tired around 11.15 as he was remembering that he had a jetlag and wanted to go back to the hotel
Me and Tobi (a guy from our hotel) felt like staying at the Tenne and drinking more, so we did.
Around 12 we decided to walk home and from here it got even crazier...
First when we were right outside the Tenne, i decided i had to take a piss, i did, while coen decided it would be funny to push me.
He did and i fell into a ski-rack that, hitting my head. Painful fact number 1
I became really angry and thought it was fair to punch Coen in the face, and so i did. Painful fact number 2
Tobi then came running after us with a snow-shovel and found two kegs of Gluhwein outside a hotel.
He self-served himself to some of this drink and when he had finished it, started throwing the shovel around.
I thought it would be a good idea to take a picture of this shovel-throwing-madness, so i shouted to Tobi i wanted to take a picture, got ready, and then shouted ''throw it !!!'' at him.
Either really bad luck, or because of Tobi's amazing drunken aim, the shovel managed to hit me on the knee with the iron part while it was thrown backwards. Painful fact number 3
I fell down on the ground in pain, shouting my vocal chords out, while Tobi and Coen were just laughing their asses off at me because everything was so ridiculous.
I did not like this and shouted at them that they had to stop laughing or i would knock them out.
Coen thought this was SO funny that he burst out into laughter immediately.
I thought he was laughing at me and started running at him at what seemed to be full speed (probably wasn't due to being intoxicated) and rugby tackled the guy making him pass out in the snow for a good 2 minutes. Painful fact number 4
Tobi and me wanted to get home, so we kind of started dragging him along with us, when Coen started laughing again, we told him to get the f*ck up and we walked back home.
I was still in pain and was apparently shouting that i could never play sports again and that ''I GOT A SHOVEL THROWN AT ME''
when we were close to the hotel, we saw light poles that were next to the street.
What we thought was a good idea was to start hanging from them, what was quite amusing.
Then after we got back to the hotel, just went to sleep.
Now: some pictures :)
1 Coen, Tobi + Shovel :P
2 Shovel being thrown at me
3 View from top of a mountain
4 Coen loves beer ;)
5 Coen, Me + Dutch people :D

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